
Free Distance Training on Conflict Analysis and Peace Building


The Bureau for Rights Based Development (BRD), is pleased to announce the  lunch a 5 months free Distance Training on Conflict Analysis and Peace Building Training on19 September 2020. This course will be taught from both an international and Afghanistan perspective and will give an overview of essential topics in current international politics. Participants of the course will gain insight into what is happening in the global international arena, with particular focus on the issues of international conflicts and various perspectives for sustainable and positive peacebuilding. By the end of the course, students will be presented with an overarching road map for peace work under the title “Steps to Peace”. 40 Participants are enrolled from a diverse organization and insertions, such as NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Government InstitutionsFinal Course Flyer (1), UN Officials, University Students & Lecturers. Course Facilitator is Dr. Burkhard Luber – Professor of International Politics. For more info; contact Jennie Wedd Course Coordinator (