
Assessment of Programmatic feasibility and security risk strengthening private enterprises


Afghan economy after political crisis of August 2021 had shrunk dramatically and put at risk livelihoods of a large proportion of the Afghan society. While there are some hopeful signs that the economy is now adjusting to the new reality, it will increasingly rely on private sector to generate employment and support livelihoods. BRD through support of Centre for International Private Enterprises (CIPE), commissioned an assessment, with the the objective; to critically examine the current business environment in Afghanistan and assess feasibility of facilitating inclusive coalitions of business leaders to set relief and recovery priorities and drive measures to improve economic conditions and the livelihood of all citizens in Afghanistan. Firms operating in Afghanistan are still working below their capacities and struggling with the challenges caused by the political crisis, including: uncertain economic outlook, inflation, reduced demand by the population, access to financial and banking services, supply chain disruptions and operational challenges (recruitment, technical capabilities, transport and infrastructure, limited support from the dfauthorithies. Full report is avaiable upone request (