

As Rights Based Development organisation BRD has the privilege of working with so many International organisation and donors.Engagement and collaboration with stakeholders with similar mandate improves our decision-making and relationships. It helps us to achieve our goals and to create transformational change. BRD collaborates with national CSOs and local NGOs for joint advocacy at the policy level; authorities at both national and local levels; international organisations; and relevant UN agencies.Due to our partnership with the United Nations Volunteer program, we have access to a wide network of experts and development professionals to scale our projects. Furthermore, we combine expertise across the sector, bilateral government programs and NGOs to tap into a deep knowledge base to design projects, execute programs, and deliver tangible results.

UNESCO Kabul Office

UNESCO Kabul Office, financial supported the Jam Meanret culture heritage site emergency protection and also Silk-road Exhibition Projects.

UNICEF Afghanistan

UNICEF supported the Social Behaviour Change (SBC) Project Implemented in Eastern Region of Afghanistan.

Centre for International Private Entereprises

CIPE funding BRD program assessment project focused on private sector, on current environment in Afghanistan.


Under the EU Grant Search has supported BRD in organisation capacity development and also supported the child rights and community engagement project.

Justice and Equality Organization

JEO is BRD partner for the capacity development project, through funding support from ICAN NETWORK.

Prince Clause Fund

PCF supporting BRD’s Culture Heritage Emergency Response Program and Capacity Building for Safeguarding Culture Heritage in Afghanistan


BRD ongoing project (civil society oversight on Covid 19 spending) supported by MSI under AMANAT Grant /Funded by USAID

Earth Day Network US

Earth Day Network is BRD collaborating partner on environmental and climate change campaign and civic actions in Afghanistan. .

Let’s Do It World, Tallinn, Estonia

BRD is partner and member of the Lets Do It World International collaborative network in connection with the cleanup campaigns and capacity building of CSOs for Civic Actions.

Asian Development Bank/MAIL Afghanistan

Asian Development Bank funded BRD through Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) for Implementation of Participatory Irrigation Management capacity building program.

Ministry of Environment of Estonia,

The Estonian Ministry of the Environment supported BRD for building capacity of the civil society for Civic Actions in 13 Provinces of Afghanistan in collaboration with the “Let’s Do It” cleanup campaigns.

Atos Consulting (AC)

AC is an International Consulting and IT Agency based in United Kingdom. AC was BRD lead partner under the DFID governance framework agreement and World Bank, UNDP for assessment, evaluation of programs, in the area of public administrative reform NSP evaluation, Law and Order Trust Fund, and Capacity building of centre of government.

National Endowment for Democracy

NED funded BRD Programs Dmanding Accountability of Local from Local Governance a civil society capacity building program to promote accountability at the local governance level ad Capacity Building of Local Civil Society for Protection and promotion of Human Rights at the Local Level in 14 provinces of Afghanistan.

U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section, Kabul, Afghanistan

PAS was a funding partner for BRD Media Program on Family Violence, consisting media awareness, case interview and training program for journalists and human rights defenders in Afghanistan..


DAI under the USAID RUMUP East (RUE) grant supported BRD Gender Response Governance Program implemented in collaboration with provincial municipalities in Afghanistan. .

Homboldt-Vedraina School of Governance (HVSG) , Berlin, Germany

Under funding support from the German Federal Foreign Ministry, BRD partnered with HVSG, a Berlin Based Organization for the implementation of Enhancing Electoral Capacity of Election Commission and Civil Society and Conflict Management for Civil Society and Administration.

Afghan Women Empowerment Program (AWE), US Embassy, Kabul, Afghanistan

An AWE grant supported BRD Program on Capacity Building of the Women Lead Civil Society for lead and conduct women rights monitoring and advocacy.

Relief International

Relief International (RI) was BRD partner for the implementation of the ECA “Judicial Systems and Public Administration Fellowship program, women cooperatives member training and business Development and Governance Training under Department of Stat, BPRM and DFID funding facility.

Royal Embassy of Netherlands, Kabul, Afghanistan

The embassy of Netherlands was a BRD funding partner for child social and financial education program implemented in Kunduz and Takhar Province of Afghanistan.

Center for Civil and Political Rights, Geneva, Switzerland

The CCPR was BRD’s collaborator on Afghanistan Universel Periodic Review (UPR) and Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) /NGOs List of Issues and Reporting on Afghanistan.

The Asia Foundation

Under the project “Support to Center of Government”, BRD was provider for training and capacity building efforts with Office of the President, Office of Administrative Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.


Under the USAiD grants for Local Governance and Community Development ARD funded BRD vocational Training and Business Development Project in underserved districts in central region of Afghanistan.

CANADA Fund / Canadian Embassy

CANADA Fund / Canadian Embassy Canada Fund was BRD’s funding partner for the vocational training program in Kabul and Kandahar provinces.


the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) , funded by delivering capacity building program for the provincial government officials to improve service delivery at the local level.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Kabul, Afghanistan

FES was the first BRD Partner for the Civic Education Program, for women’s role politics and their participation the first election in the history of Afghanistan.

Online Volunteering

BRD is receiving support from UNV for recruiting online volunteers for different projects which to be carried out online by the volunteers.