
On-Going Internventions


1. As part of Diasporas Led Organizations, we are currently engaged in advocacy for the EU response to deliver on urgent humanitarian assistance, protection and resettlement of Afghans who are in risk and displaced.(More info)

2. Delivery of Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan through a Transparent and Accountable mechanism: BRD as part of the diaspora community and support of international organization such ECRE, DRC promoting the accountability in the aid for Afghanistan and the engagement of credible local NGOs and Diaspora Organization. (More info)

3. Based on HRC decision on 7 October 2021, the appointment of special rapporteur about human rights in Afghanistan, planned to start their work in February 2022. BRD is creating alliance with diasporas and other human rights organization to advocate for the impartial, credible and competent special report to be selected for this mandate using a selection criteria, developed by HRC in consultation with the civil society.  (More Info)

4. Current priorities for an EU response to the situation in Afghanistan: As part of refugees and diaspora lead organisations in EU, leading by ECRE, through a statement to the EU with recommendations on 5 priorities on Afghanistan to be considered by the EU.